3  Attendance

3.1 Executive summary

Counts of workshop attendance are only influenced by whether a workshop was presented as part of course instruction. Format (virtual, in-person, hybrid) and marketing did not change attendance counts. Even topics (Chapter 5) didn’t impact attendance counts.

3.2 Per-workshop attendance by format and request

3.2.1 Statistical analysis

For scheduled workshops, format and year impact attendance numbers in a conditional inference tree analysis. Virtual and hybrid workshops get generally higher numbers. Within in-person workshops, the most recent two years (2023-2024) have lowest numbers attending per workshop.

  • format (in person vs virtual vs hybrid)

  • calendar year (starts in January)

  • semester (spring, summer, or fall)

  • workshop topic

  • multi-day vs single day scheduling

When we examine all workshops (included on-request visits to classes and on-request workshops), we add the following variables:

  • workshop was in a course

  • requested or not

Whether a workshop was in a course (where students are presumably required to attend) was the most dramatic factor in increased attendance numbers. For workshops not in a course, virtual and hybrid workshops have the highest attendance.

3.2.2 Format

Ignoring all other factors, the workshop format was not significantly different. You can also see this with a different visual analysis using notched box plots. The overlapping “notches” here show that there is no difference between median attendance for scheduled (not on request, not in a class) workshops by format.

3.2.3 Workshop attendance over time

The median number of people at each scheduled workshop has declined slightly per calendar year from 2021-2024. Workshop attendance at courses is higher, presumably because most classes have to reach a certain enrollment to “make”.

3.3 Total people reached

The total number of people reached has no strong trends since 2021.

# A tibble: 3 × 8
  Is.Course       `2018` `2019` `2020` `2021` `2022` `2023` `2024`
  <chr>            <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>  <int>
1 Not a course       190    496    128    257    311    293    188
2 Within a course      8    134    162     39    205    233    201
3 Total              198    630    290    296    516    526    389

The proportion of total people reached each calendar year in courses peaked in 2020, declined, and then has increased each calendar year since 2021.